DSSSB Syllabus - DSSSB TGT Mathematics

Topic: Undergraduate (UG)


Unit 1: Derivatives for Graphing and Applications

  • The first-derivative test for relative extrema Video
  • Concavity and inflection points Video
  • Second derivative test for relative extrema Video
  • Curve sketching using first and second derivative tests Video
  • Limits to infinity and infinite limits Video
  • Graphs with asymptotesVideo
  • L’Hôpital’s rule Video
  • Applications in business, economics and life sciences
  • Higher order derivatives Video
  • Leibniz rule Video

Unit 2: Sketching and Tracing of Curves

  • Parametric representation of curves and tracing of parametric curves (except lines in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)) Video
  • Polar coordinates and tracing of curves in polar coordinates Video
  • Techniques of sketching conics Video
  • Reflection properties of conics
  • Rotation of axes and second-degree equations
  • Classification into conics using the discriminant

Unit 3: Volume and Area of Surfaces

  • Volumes by slicing disks and method of washers
  • Volumes by cylindrical shells
  • Arc length
  • Arc length of parametric curves
  • Area of surface of revolution
  • Hyperbolic functions
  • Reduction formulae

Unit 4: Vector Calculus and its Applications

  • Introduction to vector functions and their graphs
  • Operations with vector functions
  • Limits and continuity of vector functions
  • Differentiation and integration of vector functions
  • Modeling ballistics and planetary motion
  • Kepler’s second law
  • Unit tangent, Normal and binormal vectors
  • Curvature


Unit 1: Theory of Equations and Complex numbers

  • Polynomials
  • The remainder and factor theorem
  • Synthetic division
  • Factored form of a polynomial
  • Fundamental theorem of algebra
  • Relations between the roots and the coefficients of polynomial equations
  • Theorems on imaginary, integral and rational roots
  • Polar representation of complex numbers
  • De Moivre’s theorem for integer and rational indices and their applications
  • The nth roots of unity

Unit 2: Equivalence Relations and Functions

  • Equivalence relations
  • Functions
  • Composition of functions
  • Invertibility and inverse of functions
  • One-to-one correspondence and the cardinality of a set

Unit 3: Basic number Theory

  • Well ordering principle
  • The division algorithm in ℤ
  • Divisibility and the Euclidean algorithm
  • Fundamental theorem of arithmetic
  • Modular arithmetic and basic properties of congruences
  • Principle of mathematical induction

Unit 4: Row Echelon Form of Matrices and Applications

  • Systems of linear equations
  • Row reduction and echelon forms
  • Vector equations
  • The matrix equation \(Ax = b\)
  • Solution sets of linear systems
  • The inverse of a matrix
  • Subspaces
  • Linear independence
  • Basis and dimension
  • The rank of a matrix and applications
  • Introduction to linear transformations
  • The matrix of a linear transformation
  • Applications to computer graphics
  • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  • The characteristic equation
  • Cayley−Hamilton theorem

Real Analysis:

Unit 1: Real number System \(\mathbb{R}\)

  • Algebraic and order properties of \(\mathbb{R}\)
  • Absolute value of a real number
  • Bounded above and bounded below sets
  • Supremum and infimum of a nonempty subset of \(\mathbb{R}\)

Unit 2: Properties of \(\mathbb{R}\)

  • The completeness property of \(\mathbb{R}\)
  • Archimedean property
  • Density of rational numbers in \(\mathbb{R}\)
  • Definition and types of intervals
  • Nested intervals property
  • Neighborhood of a point in \(\mathbb{R}\)
  • Open and closed sets in \(\mathbb{R}\)

Unit 3: Sequences in \(\mathbb{R}\)

  • Convergent sequence
  • Limit of a sequence
  • Bounded sequence
  • Limit theorems
  • Monotone sequences
  • Monotone convergence theorem
  • Subsequences
  • Bolzano−Weierstrass theorem for sequences
  • Limit superior and limit inferior for bounded sequence
  • Cauchy sequence
  • Cauchy’s convergence criterion

Unit 4: Infinite Series

  • Convergence and divergence of infinite series of real numbers
  • Necessary condition for convergence
  • Cauchy criterion for convergence
  • Tests for convergence of positive term series: Integral test, Basic comparison test, Limit comparison test, D’Alembert’s ratio test, Cauchy’s nth root test
  • Alternating series
  • Leibniz test
  • Absolute and conditional convergence

Differential Equation:

Unit 1: Differential Equations and Mathematical Modeling

  • Differential equations and mathematical models
  • Order and degree of a differential equation
  • Exact differential equations and integrating factors of first order differential equations
  • Reducible second order differential equations
  • Applications of first order differential equations to acceleration-velocity model
  • Growth and decay model

Unit 2: Population Growth Models

  • Introduction to compartmental models
  • Lake pollution model (with case study of Lake Burley Griffin)
  • Drug assimilation into the blood (case of a single cold pill, case of a course of cold pills, case study of alcohol in the bloodstream)
  • Exponential growth of population
  • Limited growth of population
  • Limited growth with harvesting

Unit 3: Second and Higher Order Differential Equations

  • General solution of homogeneous equation of second order
  • Principle of superposition for a homogeneous equation
  • Wronskian, its properties and applications
  • Linear homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations of higher order with constant coefficients
  • Euler’s equation
  • Method of undetermined coefficients
  • Method of variation of parameters
  • Applications of second order differential equations to mechanical vibrations

Unit 4: Analysis of Mathematical Models

  • Interacting population models
  • Epidemic model of influenza and its analysis
  • Predator-prey model and its analysis
  • Equilibrium points
  • Interpretation of the phase plane
  • Battle model and its analysis

Theory of Real Function:

Unit 1: Limits of Functions

  • Limits of functions (ε δ − approach)
  • Sequential criterion for limits
  • Divergence criteria
  • Limit theorems
  • One-sided limits
  • Infinite limits and limits at infinity

Unit 2: Continuous Functions and their Properties

  • Continuous functions
  • Sequential criterion for continuity and discontinuity
  • Algebra of continuous functions
  • Properties of continuous functions on closed and bounded intervals
  • Uniform continuity
  • Non-uniform continuity criteria
  • Uniform continuity theorem

Unit 3: Derivability and its Applications

  • Differentiability of a function
  • Algebra of differentiable functions
  • Carathéodory’s theorem
  • Chain rule
  • Relative extrema
  • Interior extremum theorem
  • Rolle’s theorem
  • Mean-value theorem and applications
  • Intermediate value property of derivatives
  • Darboux’s theorem

Unit 4: Taylor’s Theorem and its Applications

  • Taylor polynomial
  • Taylor’s theorem with Lagrange form of remainder
  • Application of Taylor’s theorem in error estimation
  • Relative extrema
  • Criterion for convexity
  • Taylor’s series expansions of e^x, sin x, and cos x

Multivariate Calculus:

Unit 1: Calculus of Functions of Several Variables

  • Functions of several variables
  • Level curves and surfaces
  • Limits and continuity
  • Partial differentiation
  • Higher order partial derivative
  • Tangent planes
  • Total differential and differentiability
  • Chain rule
  • Directional derivatives
  • The gradient
  • Maximal and normal property of the gradient
  • Tangent planes and normal lines

Unit 2: Extrema of Functions of Two Variables and Properties of Vector Field

  • Extrema of functions of two variables
  • Method of Lagrange multipliers
  • Constrained optimization problems
  • Definition of vector field
  • Divergence and curl

Unit 3: Double and Triple Integrals

  • Double integration over rectangular and nonrectangular regions
  • Double integrals in polar coordinates
  • Triple integral over a parallelopiped and solid regions
  • Volume by triple integrals
  • Triple integration in cylindrical and spherical coordinates
  • Change of variables in double and triple integrals

Unit 4: Green’s, Stokes’ and Gauss Divergence Theorem

  • Line integrals
  • Applications of line integrals: Mass and Work
  • Fundamental theorem for line integrals
  • Conservative vector fields
  • Green’s theorem
  • Area as a line integral
  • Surface integrals
  • Stokes’ theorem
  • Gauss divergence theorem

Partial Differential Equations:

Unit 1: First Order PDE and Method of Characteristics

  • Introduction
  • Classification
  • Construction and geometrical interpretation of first order partial differential equations (PDE)
  • Method of characteristic and general solution of first order PDE
  • Canonical form of first order PDE
  • Method of separation of variables for first order PDE

Unit 2: Mathematical Models and Classification of 2nd Order Linear PDE

  • Gravitational potential
  • Conservation laws and Burger’s equations
  • Classification of second order PDE
  • Reduction to canonical forms
  • Equations with constant coefficients
  • General solution

Unit 3: The Cauchy Problem and Wave Equations

  • Mathematical modeling of vibrating string and vibrating membrane
  • Cauchy problem for second order PDE
  • Homogeneous wave equation
  • Initial boundary value problems
  • Nonhomogeneous boundary conditions
  • Finite strings with fixed ends
  • Non-homogeneous wave equation
  • Goursat problem

Unit 4: Method of Separation of Variables

  • Method of separation of variables for second order PDE
  • Vibrating string problem
  • Existence and uniqueness of solution of vibrating string problem
  • Heat conduction problem
  • Existence and uniqueness of solution of heat conduction problem
  • Non-homogeneous problem

Riemann Integration and Series of Functions

Unit 1: Riemann Integration

  • Definition of Riemann integration
  • Inequalities for upper and lower Darboux sums
  • Necessary and sufficient conditions for Riemann integrability
  • Definition of Riemann integration by Riemann sum and equivalence of the two definitions
  • Riemann integrability of monotone functions and continuous functions
  • Properties of Riemann integrable functions
  • Definitions of piecewise continuous and piecewise monotone functions and their Riemann integrability
  • Intermediate value theorem for integrals
  • Fundamental theorems (I and II) of calculus
  • Integration by parts

Unit 2: Improper Integral

  • Improper integrals of Type-I, Type-II and mixed type
  • Convergence of beta and gamma functions, and their properties

Unit 3: Sequence and Series of Functions

  • Pointwise and uniform convergence of sequence of functions
  • Theorem on the continuity of the limit function of a sequence of functions
  • Theorems on the interchange of the limit and derivative, and the interchange of the limit and integrability of a sequence of functions
  • Pointwise and uniform convergence of series of functions
  • Theorems on the continuity, derivability and integrability of the sum function of a series of functions
  • Cauchy criterion and the Weierstrass M-test for uniform convergence

Unit 4: Power Series

  • Definition of a power series
  • Radius of convergence
  • Absolute convergence (Cauchy−Hadamard theorem)
  • Uniform convergence
  • Differentiation and integration of power series
  • Abel’s theorem

Ring Theory and Linear Algebra-I

Unit 1: Introduction of Rings

  • Definition and examples of rings
  • Properties of rings
  • Subrings
  • Integral domains and fields
  • Characteristic of a ring
  • Ideals, Ideal generated by a subset of a ring
  • Factor rings
  • Operations on ideals
  • Prime and maximal ideals

Unit 2: Ring Homomorphisms

  • Ring homomorphisms
  • Properties of ring homomorphisms
  • First, Second and Third Isomorphism theorems for rings
  • The Field of quotients

Unit 3: Introduction of Vector Spaces

  • Vector spaces
  • Subspaces
  • Algebra of subspaces
  • Quotient spaces
  • Linear combination of vectors
  • Linear span
  • Linear independence
  • Basis and dimension
  • Dimension of subspaces

Unit 4: Linear Transformations

  • Linear transformations
  • Null space
  • Range
  • Rank and nullity of a linear transformation
  • Matrix representation of a linear transformation
  • Algebra of linear transformations
  • Isomorphisms
  • Isomorphism theorems
  • Invertibility and the change of coordinate matrix

Metric Spaces

Unit 1: Basic Concepts

  • Definition and examples of metric spaces
  • Sequences in metric spaces
  • Cauchy sequences
  • Complete metric space

Unit 2: Topology of Metric Spaces

  • Open and closed ball
  • Neighborhood
  • Open set
  • Interior of a set
  • Limit point of a set
  • Derived set
  • Closed set
  • Closure of a set
  • Diameter of a set
  • Cantor’s theorem
  • Subspaces
  • Dense set

Unit 3: Continuity & Uniform Continuity

  • Continuous mappings
  • Sequential criterion and other characterizations of continuity
  • Uniform continuity
  • Homeomorphism
  • Contraction mapping
  • Banach fixed point theorem

Unit 4: Connectedness and Compactness

  • Connectedness
  • Connected subsets of ℝ
  • Connectedness and continuous mappings
  • Compactness
  • Compactness and boundedness
  • Continuous functions on compact spaces

Group Theory-II

Unit 1: Automorphisms and Properties

  • Automorphism
  • Inner automorphism
  • Automorphism groups
  • Automorphism groups of finite and infinite cyclic groups
  • Characteristic subgroups
  • Commutator subgroup and its properties
  • Applications of factor groups to automorphism groups

Unit 2: External and Internal Direct Products of Groups

  • External direct products of groups and its properties
  • The group of units modulo ( n ) as an external direct product
  • Applications to data security and electric circuits
  • Internal direct products
  • Classification of groups of order ( p^n ), where ( p ) is a prime
  • Fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups and its isomorphism classes

Unit 3: Group Action

  • Group actions and permutation representations
  • Stabilizers and kernels of group actions
  • Groups acting on themselves by left multiplication and consequences
  • Conjugacy in ( S_n )

Unit 4: Sylow Theorems and Applications

  • Conjugacy classes
  • Class equation
  • ( p )-groups
  • Sylow theorems and consequences
  • Applications of Sylow theorems
  • Finite simple groups
  • Nonsimplicity tests
  • Generalized Cayley’s theorem
  • Index theorem
  • Embedding theorem and applications
  • Simplicity of ( A_n )

Complex Analysis

Unit 1: Analytic Functions and Cauchy-Riemann Equations

  • Functions of complex variable
  • Mappings by the exponential function
  • Limits
  • Theorems on limits
  • Limits involving the point at infinity
  • Continuity
  • Derivatives
  • Differentiation formulae
  • Cauchy-Riemann equations
  • Sufficient conditions for differentiability
  • Analytic functions and their examples

Unit 2: Elementary Functions and Integrals

  • Exponential function
  • Logarithmic function
  • Branches and derivatives of logarithms
  • Trigonometric function
  • Derivatives of functions
  • Definite integrals of functions
  • Contours
  • Contour integrals and its examples
  • Upper bounds for moduli of contour integrals

Unit 3: Cauchy’s Theorems and Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

  • Antiderivatives
  • Proof of antiderivative theorem
  • Cauchy-Goursat theorem
  • Cauchy integral formula
  • An extension of Cauchy integral formula
  • Consequences of Cauchy integral formula
  • Liouville’s theorem
  • Fundamental theorem of algebra

Unit 4: Series and Residues

  • Convergence of sequences and series
  • Taylor series and its examples
  • Laurent series and its examples
  • Absolute and uniform convergence of power series
  • Uniqueness of series representations of power series
  • Isolated singular points
  • Residues
  • Cauchy’s residue theorem
  • Residue at infinity
  • Types of isolated singular points
  • Residues at poles and its examples

Group Theory & Linear Algebra-II

Unit 1: Polynomial Rings and Unique Factorization Domain (UFD)

  • Polynomial rings over commutative rings
  • Division algorithm and consequences
  • Principal ideal domains
  • Factorization of polynomials
  • Reducibility tests
  • Irreducibility tests
  • Eisenstein’s criterion
  • Unique factorization in ( \mathbb{Z}[x] )
  • Divisibility in integral domains
  • Irreducibles
  • Primes
  • Unique factorization domains
  • Euclidean domains

Unit 2: Dual Spaces and Diagonalizable Operators

  • Dual spaces
  • Double dual
  • Dual basis
  • Transpose of a linear transformation and its matrix in the dual basis
  • Annihilators
  • Eigenvalues
  • Eigenvectors
  • Eigenspaces and characteristic polynomial of a linear operator
  • Diagonalizability
  • Invariant subspaces
  • Cayley-Hamilton theorem
  • Minimal polynomial for a linear operator

Unit 3: Inner Product Spaces

  • Inner product spaces and norms
  • Orthonormal basis
  • Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process
  • Orthogonal complements
  • Bessel’s inequality

Unit 4: Adjoint Operators and Their Properties

  • Adjoint of a linear operator
  • Least squares approximation
  • Minimal solutions to systems of linear equations
  • Normal, self-adjoint, unitary and orthogonal operators and their properties